
Sunday, January 06, 2008

Reading for Jan 6

Today's reading from the Rule of St. Benedict

January 6, May 7, September 6

So we have asked the Lord
who is to dwell in His tent,
and we have heard His commands
to anyone who would dwell there;
it remains for us to fulfill those duties.

Therefore we must prepare our hearts and our bodies
to do battle under the holy obedience of His commands;
and let us ask God
that He be pleased to give us the help of His grace
for anything which our nature finds hardly possible.
And if we want to escape the pains of hell
and attain life everlasting,
then, while there is still time,
while we are still in the body
and are able to fulfill all these things
by the light of this life,
we must hasten to do now
what will profit us for eternity.

Some thoughts:

We have asked, been invited and informed. At least, informed enough to make a decision whether or not to go further. Do we want to?

If the answer is yes, then we must prepare. I watched a movie last night I had never seen before, "A Nun's Story". I remember vaguely there was some scandal about this move back in the 50s but I was 9 or 10 when it came out, so what do I know?

Some bits impressed me though. I found myself envious of the postulancy and novitiate periods. Several times throughout the film it was said "A nun's life isn't easy." It sure isn't. And even with all the preparation and training, Sr Luke still found obedience too difficult. Isn't it ever!!

Today we celebrate Epiphany. The Light has pierced the darkness and become human. Today Christ is made manifest to the entire world. As the Prologue concludes, will we ask God for His help, second by second, to live the Rule?



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