
Friday, March 23, 2007

The Lord is My Shepherd: 4

Please re-read Psalm 23, perhaps in an unfamiliar translation

Please re-read chapter 4 of _The Lord is My Shepherd_ by Harold S. Kushner

1) p. 37: It never occurred to me before that that there might a theological reason for the world to be blue and green. What does Rabbi say about that?

2) P. 38: Why green, specifically? For what reasons did God create the world green?

3) pg 39-40: How does what we humans have done to the world contrast with His creation? What can we do to re-claim green for ourselves so that we too might have green pastures in which to lie down?

4) pg. 40: I am much struck by the choice of the electricity as the moment when the 20th century really began. What was the first thing the invention of the light bulb did?

5) pg 41: What effect did this have on us?

6) pg 41-42: According to Kushner, how does what we have done to the world compare/contrast with God's creation. What have we lost when we turned green pastures into malls, casinos, condos?

7) pg 43-44: The rabbi makes a definitive statement about what it means to lie down in green pastures. What is it? Why blue? Why green? Are there implications for us about what we do to the planet?

8) Where is your green pasture?


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