
Friday, February 22, 2008

Reading 02/22/08

February 22, June 23, October 23
Chapter 18: In What Order the Psalms Are to Be Said

At Terce, Sext and None on Monday
let the nine remaining sections of Psalm 118 be said,
three at each of these Hours.

Psalm 118 having been completed, therefore,
on two days, Sunday and Monday,
let the nine Psalms from Psalm 119 to Psalm 127
be said at Terce, Sext and None,
three at each Hour,
beginning with Tuesday.
And let these same Psalms be repeated every day until Sunday
at the same Hours,
while the arrangement of hymns, lessons and verses
is kept the same on all days;
and thus Prime on Sunday will always begin with Psalm 118.

Some thoughts

I find myself wondering... did Jesus and His disciples pray the Psalms? When Jesus went alone to a quiet place to rest Himself and pray, did He pray the Psalms?

God's people have been praying the Psalms for millennia. These words, these thoughts, in different languages but these words, these thoughts. Psalms are both God's word to us and our words to God.

I feel a humility that I am daily encouraged to pray the same words the same thoughts, that I join in the throng lifting praise, thanksgiving, curses and imprecations. Isn't it extraordinary that we are deemed worthy?

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