
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Episcopal Solitaries

Announcing a new email list for Episcopal Solitaries.

We Episcopal Solitaries are people who seek to give our lives to the
Lord in a form of vowed religious life. Many of us may have tested
our vocations with various religious communities or orders, lay
organizations and were frustrated as we could not find the right fit
or because we care for family members. The Episcopal Church has
provided another way, the path of the Episcopal Solitary.

Membership to this list is reserved for canonically recognized
Episcopal Solitaries, explorers interested in becoming a Solitary or
who those who assist in the discernment process such as spiritual
directors and clergy, etc. It is hoped that this list will serve as a
resource for the Episcopal Church.

My name is Sr Gloriamarie Amalfitano, a canonically recognized
Episcopal Solitary in San Diego, CA. When going through the process of
becoming a Solitary, I felt very much as if I were reinventing the
wheel as no one had done this in my diocese in a very long time. There
are more and more of us exploring this path and so I thought to create
a place where we could come together to share our journeys.

On the website, I have gathered resources in the Files and Links
sections that have been of help to me such as the relevant canons and
liturgy. Articles on discernment, writing a personal rule, FAQs (a
work in progress) are offered. It is hoped that members of this list
would also suggest valuable additions.


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