
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

More Thoughts on General Convention '06

longer I ponder what happened, the more convinced I am that the real
issue at GC06 was agape and the failure of TEC to practise it. And ,
yes, I will say TEC in general, and not cite particular individuals,
because the lack of agape spreads farther than just those present at

> It is only when we walk away from the table that the communication
> stops and the Communion ends.

Many Episcopalians made a point of not breaking bread with other
Episcopalians. I believe the Holy Spirit is calling on us to repent
of that unloving, divisive and schismatic behavior. Let us remember
that God does not desire the death of a sinner but that the sinner
turn from the sin and embrace new life.

I would suggest that denial is not just a river in Egypt and that
anyone who identifies another as a sinner, needs to look within,
self-examine and repent of one's own sins, because sure as shootin'
all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God.

If it were possible, I would call on every single Episcopalian to
embrace a moratorium of silence on GC06 and instead embrace a period
of at least twenty four hours in retreat and prayer, maybe fasting if
one's health allows, asking the Holy Spirit to open our eyes, hearts,
minds, spirits to the sanctifying action only the Holy Spirit brings.
Let us meditate together on the General Confession. Let us examine
our consciences. Let us confess to God and to one another those
specific ways we have failed in charity to one another. Let us dig
deep when we do it and may we be blessed by the gift of tears. Let us
embrace and say to each other as I say to you, " May the peace of the
Lord be always with you."
May the Holy Spirit dance in your heart!


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